Marijuana Still the Coolest Herb of All

06 Nov

Marijuana Still the Coolest Herb of All

Whether you’ve had an experience using marijuana or not, you can’t deny that it contains properties that have been medically proven beneficial to users.  The attempted removal of pot from our society, via legal control, has not only flopped, but actually made millions suffer the loss of this the coolest herb.

When I call it cool, I mean it in the sense that it must be admired for all of its properties.  Evidence has suggested that Cannabis has been linked to human use as long ago as 2,800 years ago.  It has only been in the last 100 years or so that it has been deemed illegal.  The motivations for governments to make the use and cultivation of this herb illegal are highly debatable, but in any event, most marijuana use in the world today is without the consent of the presiding governmental laws.

“Getting high” by smoking or ingesting the plant buds has been considered both relaxing and mind expanding.  It has been prescribed by doctors (because the AMA could no longer ignore evidence of its medical efficacy) for the following uses:

Appetite stimulant
Multiple Sclerosis
Relief from Chemotherapy
Muscle relaxers
Relief from Ocular pressure of Glaucoma
Depression and Schizophrenia

The question to ask yourself is “Why have our governments determined that this wonderful herb is no longer good for us or for our society”?  Please post your comments to this question

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