Herbs, Plants, Trees and Roots | September, 2011

You entered Tree of Life, the more common name is...

With a myriad of uses, it is considered a sacred tree.  It is used in craft, construction as well as medicine.  The essential oil (external use only) can be used as an antiseptic, bug repellant, and a ointment. Ointment can be rubbed on swollen painful joints or muscles.  Twigs can be used to make teas to relieve constipation and headache.  A tincture or ointment can be used for the treatment of warts, ringworm and thrush.  Leaf tea is used as a cough calmer and to reduce congestion in the chest.

Northern White Cedar

(Thuja occidentalis)

A slow growing American evergreen tree, in the cypress family, it is widely used as an ornamental plant. Scaly leaves grow from fan-like branches with a red-brown furrowed bark that peels, slender yellow-green cones ripen to a brown, this tree grows to heights of 33-66 feet.

Common Names:

False White Cedar, Thuja, Tree of Life, Yellow Cedar, American Arborvitae, Arbor Vitae, Atlantic White Cedar, Cedrus Lycea, Eastern White Cedar

Northern White Cedar


With a myriad of uses, it is considered a sacred tree. It is used in craft, construction as well as medicine. The essential oil (external use only) can be used as an antiseptic, bug repellant, and a ointment. Ointment can be rubbed on swollen painful joints or muscles. Twigs can be used to make teas to relieve constipation and headache. A tincture or ointment can be used for the treatment of warts, ringworm and thrush. Leaf tea is used as a cough calmer and to reduce congestion in the chest.


Boil torn leaves in water and allow to steep. Take by teaspoon 1 as needed. Not to exceed 1 cup in a 24 hour period.

Boil several torn leaves in lard, and allow to cool.


The neurotoxic compound thujone, internal use can be harmful if used for prolonged periods or while pregnant.

With any herb, there is the risk of an allergic reaction. Small children and pregnant women should use additional caution when considering the use of herbal remedies.