Herbs, Plants, Trees and Roots | July, 2011

You entered European Strawberry, the more common name is...

A tea made from the leaves, stems, and flowers aid in the treatment of diarrhea. The root when brewed into a tea is a good diuretic, antacid and blood purifier. Poultices made from the leaves are used to treat wounds, boils and ulcers. The juice from the berries when applied to ones teeth aids in removal of plaque and tartar buildup.

Woodland Strawberry

(Fragaria vesca)

The Woodland Strawberry grows wild along trails, roadsides, embankments, meadows, sparse woodlands and any place where the conditions are not too wet nor too dry, throughout the northern hemisphere. A fruit bearing perennial, its thin-toothed leaves are a significant food source for a variety of undulates like the mule deer and elk, and small bright red berries are a favorite of many mammals and birds. On long stems 5 petal white flowers with yellow center grow in clusters.

Common Names:

Common Strawberry, Mountain Strawberry, Pineapple Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Fraises des Bois, Wild (European) Strawberry, European Strawberry

Woodland Strawberry


A tea made from the leaves, stems, and flowers aid in the treatment of diarrhea. The root when brewed into a tea is a good diuretic, antacid and blood purifier. Poultices made from the leaves are used to treat wounds, boils and ulcers. The juice from the berries when applied to ones teeth aids in removal of plaque and tartar buildup.


Add fresh or dried leaves, stems and or flowers to boiling water and steep. Strain before drinking. Honey may be added if desired. For root tea, boil roots in pot of water for several minutes.


Juice of berries can cause dermatitis in sensitive or allergic conditions.

With any herb, there is the risk of an allergic reaction. Small children and pregnant women should use additional caution when considering the use of herbal remedies.