Common Names:
Piles, Internal Hemorrhoids, External Hemorrhoids, Hemroids, HemoroidsAbout Hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoids are caused by the swelling and irritation of veins in the anal wall. This is also known as varicosity. There are two types of hemorrhoids:External Hemorrhoids: Varicosities and swelling below the dentate line of the anus. External hemorrhoids often can be seen as swelling outside of the anus. Irritation of the skin may be exacerbated by the inflammation of the external hemorrhoid. This leads to a mild discharge that causes the skin irritation. If the vein ruptures , or if a blood clot develops, the result is a thrombosis. Hemorrhoids at this stage are called thrombosed hemorrhoids. They can be caused by a lack of exercise, improper diet or sitting too much.
Internal Hemorrhoids When the veins in the anal canal, above the dentate line, swell, the non-visible result is called an internal hemorrhoid. The swollen area can grow large and even on occasion make its way through the anus to become a prolapsed hemorrhoid. If the blood supply is cut off by the anus, it is then known as a strangulated hemorrhoid. Rarely painful because there are few pain receptors in this part of the anus, external hemorrhoids must be treated before they become an impediment to normal defecation. They can be caused by a lack of exercise, improper diet or sitting too much.
Because the condition is commonly misspelled and mispronounced with the dialectal "hemroids" or "hemoroids", these incorrect spellings have been included in our search engine.
Frequent Symptoms:
anal pain, blood streaked stool

Treatment Options:
While hemorrhoids are usually not dangerous, they can severely limit a person’s ability to live a normal life. Initial treatments always include more exercise, add fiber to your diet, reduce alcohol, and if possible, cut down on the number of sitting hours.