Green Coffee Bean – Truth or Fiction?

02 Jul

Green Coffee Bean – Truth or Fiction?

After millions of Americans have watched Dr. Oz extolling the virtues of GCBE (or Green Coffee Bean Extract) for its purported effect on weight loss, it makes one wonder whether it’s just another diet fad or actually has some substance.  Is it simply another gimmick that will cause the overweight and vanity conscious population to shed dollars instead of pounds?

My take on the evaluation of any product (natural or otherwise) is the science.  Of course, studies are done every day that contradict the results of other studies.  So who do you believe?
The best way to proceed is to look carefully at the type of study.  Who’s conducting it?  Was it a convenience study?  How many participants were there?  Was it random, and if so, how were the participants selected?

If you answer these questions before considering the results, you’ll get a lot closer to the truth.

In the case of GCBE, the main study was a placebo-controlled study conducted by the University of Scranton (Scranton, PA) that used linear dosing.  It was classified as a crossover study using random individuals to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects.  The experiment lasted 22 weeks and was determined to have significantly reduced body fat in the non-placebo group. The average loss of pounds in that group was 17.  Other benefits were its ability to reduce blood pressure and inhibit the production of fat cells. Similar animal studies were conducted with approximately the same results.  Follow-up studies were also done that arrived at roughly the same conclusion.

The beans were found to have very little caffeine and therefore do not work the same way as diet pills.  Instead of speeding up metabolism, GCBE has been found to inhibit fat cell production without making the patient jittery or hyper.

Studies done by universities, especially those that have ties to the medical field, have more credibility and therefore carry more weight (no pun intended) with me.  After having been called one of the world’s biggest cynics, I have to say that these studies look very real and very promising. 

Now let’s hope the product can be delivered to the public without too much of the usual gouging that seems to follow anything having to do with weight loss.

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